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Saturday, May. 10, 2003 - 10:27 am

Um... I'm sorry.

This relationship just isn't working for me.

I'm at now. So change that bookmark.

Scene: Henry is watching a particularly slap-happy episode of Pokemon. It's actually pretty funny, I have to admit. The commercials are a little more sophisticated. The Three Muskateers bar people now have a particularly funny series of spots. My favorite line from one of those commercials is "And you *will* be paying for my dry cleaning bill," a pimp-looking alpha-muskateer says at the end.

Static Shock is another little toon on the WB that's pretty cute. My fave line from that show is when a big bully runs into the protagonist. The wimpy protagonist quips, "Excuse me Godzilla, but you must have mistaken me for Tokyo!"

I sip on Peppermint flavored java and smile. We cuddle on the sofa. It's a rainy Saturday morning. I am happily snuggle-fied.

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